Do I get points for originality in giving this SOCK MONKEY to the lovely Melissa (son Kiel’s girlfriend) on the occasion of her graduation from Sac State?
But wait…it’s not just any old STOREBOUGHT sock monkey, no! This little guy was truly made from scratch. As in, spinning the yarn from wool (pre-dyed–not by me, I confess) and knitting him up. I’ve knitted many things since my sweet mom taught me the craft some 40+ years ago, but this was my first sock monkey.
Since Melissa was graduating with a Music degree (click here for a video of her amazing vocal jazz group, the Sac State Jazz Singers at a recent Monterey Jazz Festival competition), I made a music-themed bowtie for Mr. M. from scrap fabric. I was happy to find the “2010” tassle at the Dollar Store and the perfect button eyes at Jo-Ann Fabrics here in Chico.
I had such fun creating this guy, I’m now working on a cousin for him. I might just keep this new one for myself! (Would you believe there is actually an annual “Sock Monkey Madness Festival” held in Rockford, Illinois, purported to be the birthplace of the original Sock Monkey? There’s your trivia for today!)
See photos of the entire wool-to-monkey process at my online Shutterfly album, then click “View Album” (no need to join Shutterfly to view). You can double-click each photo for a closer look.

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