I like to think John Bidwell (Chico’s esteemed founder) and little Annie would have loved shopping at Trader Joe’s, had it been around in their time. I got a kick out of this painting on a wall at our local TJ’s a while back. Need to find out who the artist was and credit him or her (anyone know?).
I’m sure Annie would have appreciated the more casual/comfortable attire in the TJ’s portrait, anyway! Anyone who has toured Bidwell Mansion may remember seeing the 17″ hole cut into a piece of plywood to demonstrate the “ideal” waistline in her day. Imagine wearing one of those “breathtaking” (literally) corsets when the summer temps crept up over 100. Throw in a bustle and a half dozen petticoats or so, and no wonder women needed fainting couches strategically placed at the tops of the stairs. Give me 2010 attire any day (or–even better–1960s!).

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