Popped in at the Butte County Library today to check out some books (knitting–it’s THAT time of year–and Spanish children’s books to aid in my ongoing efforts in learning to speak/read the language).
In addition to the knitting and Spanish books, I checked out a few music CDs (was surprised to note that up to 25 CDs can be checked out at a time!).
I was also delighted to see a new display of quilts hanging from the ceiling, including an “opportunity quilt” made by Annie’s Star Quilt Guild (of which I’ve been a member these past 28 years). In collaboration with Chico Friends of the Library, the Quilt Guild donated this treasure (see “heart” quilt pictured below) as a fundraiser for the library.
The computer stations were in full use, and the children’s area was positively ABUZZ with activity, which felt gratifying. I remember a few years back when–due to budget woes–the library was CLOSED weekends indefinitely. Our local SOROPTIMIST club came up with the funds needed to open it back up on Saturdays for the whole year, and it has remained open on Saturdays since. (Remember that when the Home, Garden & Antique Show occurs March 19 and 20, 2011. It’s the largest fundraiser for Soroptimist of Chico, and the proceeds go back to the community, so come out to the Silver Dollar Fairgrounds and show your support!)
Next time you have a spare hour, stop by the library (especially if it’s been a while since you have). What a great place to hang out…and it’s FREE! (Maybe spring for a quilt ticket…a buck a chance, and it’s a GREAT cause.)

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