While cruising over to the Doe Mill neighborhood a while back (where Potter Rd. meets E. 20th St., Chico, CA), I noticed a very interesting work of public art I hadn’t seen before. It resembled some sort of gears forming an archway over a bike path. Being me, of course I had to stop, cell phone camera in hand, to check it out.
Turns out it is the “Steve G. Harrison Memorial Arch” monument, one of a pair built by local metal artist Jeff Lindsay (Red Hot Metal Inc.) and installed in November of 2010. (Mr. Lindsay was also the creator of the lovely metal Manzanita bridge sculpture over Big Chico Creek as well as Annie’s Glen bike tunnel.)
Steve Harrison was the original employee at the now-world-famous local Chico landmark, Sierra Nevada Brewery, to which he devoted the last 27 years of his life. In addition to being an avid cyclist, Steve was known for his commitment to “progressive causes related to social justice, environmental sustainability, smart growth, economic opportunity and universal health care.” I think this monument is a fitting memorial to someone who appears to have been a pretty amazing human.
For more photos of the installation, click here. View Chico bike path routes, courtesy of Chico Velo Cycling Club.

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